Professional skills
Turn the source of electricity off and unplug electrical cords and wires before you start working with them.
taxation approach
Web Designer
Business Mentoring
Web Designer
Planning & Development
Web Designer

Global City of Culture
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a UN agency, strives to combat hunger and reduce poverty globally by improving agricultural, forestry, and fishing practices. Funded by industrialized countries and development banks, the FAO often works through public-private partnerships.
Business and industry
Your Government
Roads Transportation
Finance & Economy
Construction & Law
Agriculture & Food
Education & Learning
Travel & Tourism
Health Care
Customer’s feedback
I know that the feedback I am receiving is due to the excellent editing job from Grammar Factory, who turned a bunch of words and ideas into a structured book.My experience with Scott and the team was worth every cent. I am so happy with the quality of the final book and also the ongoing support on marketing.
They provided all the information I needed to put my mind at rest, they were responsive and took all my 'silly' questions in their stride. They call this self-publishing, but really, they did everything! Thank you so much Scott and team for helping me to produce a wonderful looking book and get it published. The feedback has been amazing!
They have given me their professional, constructive help when needed and also their personal point of view when asked for. At all times I have felt valued and very much of the publishing process. The staff are all warm, friendly and welcoming and I look forward to a continued relationship with Grammar Factory in my future ventures.

Angela Counsel
Andrew Nisbet